Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,
Izinkan saya berkongsi hadis yang di kongsikan oleh IKRAM Johor. Ianya juga sebahagian dari sedekah semampu mungkin. Amar Makruf, Nahi Mungkar juga satu sedekah.
Jom kita bersedekah.
Bersedekah Semampu Mungkin
عَنْ سَعِيدُ بْنُ أَبِي بُرْدَةَ عَنْ جَدِّهِ قَالَ قَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ صَدَقَةٌ قَالُوا فَإِنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ قَالَ فَيَعْمَلُ بِيَدَيْهِ فَيَنْفَعُ نَفْسَهُ وَيَتَصَدَّقُ قَالُوا فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ أَوْ لَمْ يَفْعَلْ قَالَ فَيُعِينُ ذَا الْحَاجَةِ الْمَلْهُوفَ قَالُوا فَإِنْ لَمْ يَفْعَلْ قَالَ فَيَأْمُرُ بِالْخَيْرِ أَوْ قَالَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ قَالَ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَفْعَلْ قَالَ فَيُمْسِكُ عَنْ الشَّرِّ فَإِنَّهُ لَهُ صَدَقَة
Dari Said bin Abi Burdah, dari datuknya berkata, Nabi SAW bersabda: "Wajib bagi setiap muslim untuk bersedekah." Para sahabat bertanya; "Bagaimana jika ia tidak mendapatkannya? ' Baginda bersabda: 'Berusaha dengan tangannya, sehingga ia boleh memberi manfaat untuk dirinya dan bersedekah.' Mereka bertanya; 'Bagaimana jika ia tidak boleh melakukannya? ' Baginda bersabda: 'Menolong orang yang sangat memerlukan bantuan.' Mereka bertanya; 'Bagaimana jika ia tidak mampu melakukannya? ' Baginda bersabda: 'Menyuruh untuk melakukan kebaikan atau; menyuruh melakukan yang makruf'. Mereka berkata; 'Bagaimana jika ia tidak dapat melakukannya? ' Baginda bersabda: 'Menahan diri dari kejahatan, kerana itu adalah sedekah baginya.' (HR Bukhari No: 5563)
1. Setiap Muslim sewajarnya mampu bersedekah hasil daripada harta, ilmu, tenaga, kepakaran yang dimiliki.
2. Setiap Muslim perlu bekerja, agar ia memperoleh hasil yang dengannya ia mampu mengurus dirinya dan bersedekah untuk orang lain, serta menjauhkannya dari kehinaan meminta-minta.
3. Sedekah menjadi bukti kebenaran iman seseorang. Sebagai muslim wajar bersedekah sesuai dengan potensi dan kemampuan masing-masing, perlu bersegera jangan menunda, bimbang kematian menjemput kita.
4. Jika ia tidak mampu mendapatkan harta untuk bersedekah, ia boleh membantu orang lain yang memerlukan bantuan..antaranya melalui aktiviti I-Bantu, khidmat masyarakat dan lain-lain. Itu juga adalah sedekah.
5. Jika ia tidak mampu membantu keperluan orang lain, menjadi sedekah juga baginya apabila ia menyuruh kepada kebaikan. Berdakwah melalui pelbagai relong – berceramah, edar pamplet, forward 1 hari 1 hadis. Ini juga sedekah!
6. Menahan diri dari perbuatan mungkar – menegur, menasihat, menghalang, menjauhi mungkar - juga menjadi pahala sedekah.
JOM bersifat RAHMAH dengan berusaha semampu mungkin untuk melakukan amal kebaikan. Moga ia menjadi sedekah pahala buat kita.
#Malaysia Menuju Negara Rahmah#
Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia Negeri Johor
26hb Ogos 2016
23 Zulkaedah 1437H
Berkongsi Idea, Pengalaman dan Pandangan mengenai kehidupan , Islam, perkembangan kanak-kanak, supplemen semulajadi, masakan, pemakanan, kehidupan sebagai usahawan, dan banyak lagi...
Jumaat, 26 Ogos 2016
Isnin, 22 Ogos 2016
Another Hajj Story... Allahurahman, Allahurahim
☘Assalamualaikum wbt.
Siapa tak nak pergi haji? Sebagai orang Islam, kita wajib menunaikan haji, jika berkemampuan. Dan untuk mampu, kita pwrlukan membuka simpanan untuk nya.
Kisah ini... Kisah seorang balas haji, yang terpaksa berkorban untuk pesakit nya, namun Allah ganti kan dengan ganjaran yang lebih baik. Allah yang Maha Pengaasih dan Penyayang.
Hajj Story !!very touching!!
Sa’eed was sitting at the waiting area at the Jeddah airport after having completed the rites of hajj, and next to him was another person who completed his hajj.
The man next to him said:
"I work as a contractor and Allah (swt) has blessed me with performing my tenth hajj.
Sa’eed told him:
" hajj mabroor, may Allah accept and forgive you your sins.
The man smiled and said: ameen.
Then he asked him: have you performed hajj before this time?
Sa’eed was hesitating to tell him, and then he said:
"by Allah, it’s a long story and I don’t want to hurt your head with my talk.
The man laughed and said:
"Please tell me, as you see we have nothing to do, we’re just waiting.
Sa’eed smile and said: yes, waiting is the start of my story.
"I’ve been waiting years so that I can go to hajj.
After working for thirty years as a physiotherapist in a private hospital, I was able to save enough money to go for hajj.
The same day I went to get my salary, I came across one of the mother’s who’s paralyzed son I treat.
I could see her face was worried and anxious.
She said:
"I leave you to Allah’s keeping, brother Sa’eed this is our last visit to this hospital.
I was surprised with her words and I thought she wasn’t happy with my treatment, and that she was considered moving her son to another hospital.
She told me:
"no brother Sa’eed, Allah bears witness that you were to my son like a father, and you helped him in his treatment when we had lost hope.
- Then she left very saddened.
The man next to him interrupted and said:
"that’s strange, if she was pleased with your treatment and her son was improving then why did she leave?
Sa’eed answered:
"that’s what I thought too, so I went to the administration to find out what happened.
They told me the boy’s father had lost his job and was unable to continue paying for his son’s treatment.
The man next to him said:
"there is no might and power except with Allah, poor them, how did you deal with it?
Sa’eed said:
- I went to the manager and pleaded with him to continue treating the boy on the hospital’s expense, but he sharply rejected and said, ‘this is a private institution not a charity’.
- I left his office sad and broken for this family.
- Then suddenly, I placed my hands in my pocked which had my money all prepared for hajj.
I stood in my place for a while, then I raised my head above and spoke to my Rabb:
O Allah, You know how I feel and You know there is nothing more beloved to me than to go to Your house and do hajj, and to visit Your messenger’s masjid.
You know I have been working all my life for this moment, but I prefer this poor lady and her son over myself, so don’t deprive me of Your favors.
- I went to the accounts desk and paid all I had for his treatment which covered the next six months.
- I begged the accountant to tell the lady that it’s from the hospital expense for special cases.
He was affected by this and there were tears in his eyes and said, ‘baarak Allah feek and people like you’
The man next to him then said:
"if you donated all of your money, then how did you go to hajj?
Sa’eed said:
" I went back to my home sad that day for having lost the opportunity of a lifetime for hajj.
But my heart was filled with happiness that I removed a distress from the lady and her son.
- I slept that night with a tear on my cheek.
- I had a dream and I was making tawaf around the ka’aba and people were saying salam to me and they told me:
#‘hajj mabroor O Sa’eed, for you have performed hajj in the heavens before you performed hajj on earth’.
- I immediately woke up and felt an indescribable happiness.
- I praised Allah (swt) for everything and was pleased with His decree.
When I got up from my sleep, my phone rang and it was the hospital’s manager.
He told me the owner of the hospital wants to go to hajj this year and he won’t go without his personal therapist.
But his therapist’s wife is expecting and has reached her final days of pregnancy so he can’t leave her.
- Would you do me favor?
- Would you accompany him in his hajj?
I made sujood shukr to Allah (swt). And as you see, Allah (swt) granted me to go to His house without having to pay anything.
And all praise to Allah, the owner of the hospital insisted on giving me something for his accompaniment.
I told him the story of the lady and her son, and he demanded the boy be treated at the hospital from his own personal expense.
- And to place a donations box in the hospital for the treatment of needy patients.
- And on top of that, he gave the boy’s father a job at one of his companies.
He even returned the money I had initially spent for the boy’s treatment.
Have you seen great favors than the favors of my Rabb? Subhan Allah.
The man next to him hugged him and told him: by Allah I have never felt this kind of shyness as I’m feeling now.
I would perform hajj one year after another thinking I was doing something great, and that my place with Allah would be elevated as a result of it.
But now I understood that your hajj is equivalent to a thousand of mine.
I went to the house of Allah, but Allah invited you to His house.
May Allah accept your hajj.
Always think good about Allah (swt) and know He is able to do all things.
We ask Allah to forgive us and humble us in everything we do. Aameen
Feel free to share n tag
Source:- forwarded as received from whatsapp
Siapa tak nak pergi haji? Sebagai orang Islam, kita wajib menunaikan haji, jika berkemampuan. Dan untuk mampu, kita pwrlukan membuka simpanan untuk nya.
Kisah ini... Kisah seorang balas haji, yang terpaksa berkorban untuk pesakit nya, namun Allah ganti kan dengan ganjaran yang lebih baik. Allah yang Maha Pengaasih dan Penyayang.
Hajj Story !!very touching!!
Sa’eed was sitting at the waiting area at the Jeddah airport after having completed the rites of hajj, and next to him was another person who completed his hajj.
The man next to him said:
"I work as a contractor and Allah (swt) has blessed me with performing my tenth hajj.
Sa’eed told him:
" hajj mabroor, may Allah accept and forgive you your sins.
The man smiled and said: ameen.
Then he asked him: have you performed hajj before this time?
Sa’eed was hesitating to tell him, and then he said:
"by Allah, it’s a long story and I don’t want to hurt your head with my talk.
The man laughed and said:
"Please tell me, as you see we have nothing to do, we’re just waiting.
Sa’eed smile and said: yes, waiting is the start of my story.
"I’ve been waiting years so that I can go to hajj.
After working for thirty years as a physiotherapist in a private hospital, I was able to save enough money to go for hajj.
The same day I went to get my salary, I came across one of the mother’s who’s paralyzed son I treat.
I could see her face was worried and anxious.
She said:
"I leave you to Allah’s keeping, brother Sa’eed this is our last visit to this hospital.
I was surprised with her words and I thought she wasn’t happy with my treatment, and that she was considered moving her son to another hospital.
She told me:
"no brother Sa’eed, Allah bears witness that you were to my son like a father, and you helped him in his treatment when we had lost hope.
- Then she left very saddened.
The man next to him interrupted and said:
"that’s strange, if she was pleased with your treatment and her son was improving then why did she leave?
Sa’eed answered:
"that’s what I thought too, so I went to the administration to find out what happened.
They told me the boy’s father had lost his job and was unable to continue paying for his son’s treatment.
The man next to him said:
"there is no might and power except with Allah, poor them, how did you deal with it?
Sa’eed said:
- I went to the manager and pleaded with him to continue treating the boy on the hospital’s expense, but he sharply rejected and said, ‘this is a private institution not a charity’.
- I left his office sad and broken for this family.
- Then suddenly, I placed my hands in my pocked which had my money all prepared for hajj.
I stood in my place for a while, then I raised my head above and spoke to my Rabb:
O Allah, You know how I feel and You know there is nothing more beloved to me than to go to Your house and do hajj, and to visit Your messenger’s masjid.
You know I have been working all my life for this moment, but I prefer this poor lady and her son over myself, so don’t deprive me of Your favors.
- I went to the accounts desk and paid all I had for his treatment which covered the next six months.
- I begged the accountant to tell the lady that it’s from the hospital expense for special cases.
He was affected by this and there were tears in his eyes and said, ‘baarak Allah feek and people like you’
The man next to him then said:
"if you donated all of your money, then how did you go to hajj?
Sa’eed said:
" I went back to my home sad that day for having lost the opportunity of a lifetime for hajj.
But my heart was filled with happiness that I removed a distress from the lady and her son.
- I slept that night with a tear on my cheek.
- I had a dream and I was making tawaf around the ka’aba and people were saying salam to me and they told me:
#‘hajj mabroor O Sa’eed, for you have performed hajj in the heavens before you performed hajj on earth’.
- I immediately woke up and felt an indescribable happiness.
- I praised Allah (swt) for everything and was pleased with His decree.
When I got up from my sleep, my phone rang and it was the hospital’s manager.
He told me the owner of the hospital wants to go to hajj this year and he won’t go without his personal therapist.
But his therapist’s wife is expecting and has reached her final days of pregnancy so he can’t leave her.
- Would you do me favor?
- Would you accompany him in his hajj?
I made sujood shukr to Allah (swt). And as you see, Allah (swt) granted me to go to His house without having to pay anything.
And all praise to Allah, the owner of the hospital insisted on giving me something for his accompaniment.
I told him the story of the lady and her son, and he demanded the boy be treated at the hospital from his own personal expense.
- And to place a donations box in the hospital for the treatment of needy patients.
- And on top of that, he gave the boy’s father a job at one of his companies.
He even returned the money I had initially spent for the boy’s treatment.
Have you seen great favors than the favors of my Rabb? Subhan Allah.
The man next to him hugged him and told him: by Allah I have never felt this kind of shyness as I’m feeling now.
I would perform hajj one year after another thinking I was doing something great, and that my place with Allah would be elevated as a result of it.
But now I understood that your hajj is equivalent to a thousand of mine.
I went to the house of Allah, but Allah invited you to His house.
May Allah accept your hajj.
Always think good about Allah (swt) and know He is able to do all things.
We ask Allah to forgive us and humble us in everything we do. Aameen
Feel free to share n tag
Source:- forwarded as received from whatsapp
Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2016
Ubat Batuk dan Selsema Untuk Bayi
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.
Aik? Macam pelik je tajuk ni??? Boleh ke bayi makan ubat Batuk dan Selsema ni???
Tak sesuai la kan! Pernah juga khadijah Selsema semasa checkup bulanan, doctor mng tak bagi ubat. Tapi.. macamana?
Panduan untuk semua ibu bapa.
Simpan poster ni untuk reference!
Ubat batuk & selesema ini adalah TIDAK SESUAI untuk baby BAWAH 2 TAHUN kerana boleh menyebabkan KEGAGALAN SISTEM PERNAFASAN!!
(Melainkan atas nasihat DOKTOR PAKAR KANAK-KANAK)
Itulah hikmahnya Allah suruh kita menyusukan bayi hingga umur 2 tahun.
Bagi baby bawah 2 tahun, SUSU IBU adalah MAKANAN & UBAT TERBAIK untuk mereka. InsyaAllah.
Jom simpan cita-cita untuk menyusukan anak-anak kita hingga umur 2 tahun.
Hendak seribu daya! 💪💪
❤️Breastfeeding Mom Since 2009 till 2016 ++❤️
Bonda~Anas Huzaifah , Amanina Aisyah, Amni Khadijah...
Aik? Macam pelik je tajuk ni??? Boleh ke bayi makan ubat Batuk dan Selsema ni???
Tak sesuai la kan! Pernah juga khadijah Selsema semasa checkup bulanan, doctor mng tak bagi ubat. Tapi.. macamana?
Panduan untuk semua ibu bapa.
Simpan poster ni untuk reference!
Ubat batuk & selesema ini adalah TIDAK SESUAI untuk baby BAWAH 2 TAHUN kerana boleh menyebabkan KEGAGALAN SISTEM PERNAFASAN!!
(Melainkan atas nasihat DOKTOR PAKAR KANAK-KANAK)
Itulah hikmahnya Allah suruh kita menyusukan bayi hingga umur 2 tahun.
Bagi baby bawah 2 tahun, SUSU IBU adalah MAKANAN & UBAT TERBAIK untuk mereka. InsyaAllah.
Jom simpan cita-cita untuk menyusukan anak-anak kita hingga umur 2 tahun.
Hendak seribu daya! 💪💪
❤️Breastfeeding Mom Since 2009 till 2016 ++❤️
Bonda~Anas Huzaifah , Amanina Aisyah, Amni Khadijah...
Jumaat, 12 Ogos 2016
Tanda kekurangan kalsium
Tanda kekurangan kalsium dalam badan;
@ Susah untuk tidur / insomnia
@ Gigi Rapuh / Tooth Decay
@ Head Sweating
@ Head Sweating
@ Brittle Nails
@ Muscle Cramps
@ Kulit kasar/ Rough Skin
@ Muscle Cramps
@ Kulit kasar/ Rough Skin
Selasa, 9 Ogos 2016
Catatan (Atom)
Surirumah & Media : Bersama Membangun Potensi Suri Rumah Rahmah
𝗦𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗵 𝗱𝗮𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮 Alhamdulillah, di izinkan Allah untuk hadir 2 hari 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒆𝒍 𝑷𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝑺...

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